Last night I decided to cook the purple potato* my mum planted and grew at Fifth Ave Katoomba Retreat. I should have taken a photo of the whole potato as it was very large and could have fed more than just the three of us. The meal that follows was soooo delicious, and simple to make – a real winner. I bet the fact that it was home grown without pesticides contributed to the amplified flavour. Double bonus!
Triple bonus if you consider it as a Set and Forget meal. Once it's in the oven, you can happily go off and do something else. Just don't forget to check it. I doubt this will be possible as the aromas will overtake your whole abode.
Purple potatoes x 3 medium
Potatoes x 5 medium
Zucchini, skin on x 9 pieces
Mushrooms x 6
Olive Oil
Salt, pepper, herbs
Preheat oven to 180 ° C
Cut up all vegetables (except mushrooms) in large chunky pieces, about 5cm wide.
Place them in an oven proof dish (except the mushrooms)
Add salt, pepper and dried herbs. I used rosemary, one of my favourites with potato.
Drizzle all over with olive oil.
Cook for about 30 mins and taste.
Add whole mushrooms and cook for a further 20 mins.
Taste. Once cooked to your desire, serve with your favourite protein.
Preparation time: 10 minutes. Cooking time approx 50 mins. Serves 6.
*The colour comes from anthocyanins which are disease-fighting antioxidants, found in red, blue and violet foods. The high antioxidant content in these purple potatoes also fights inflammation and significantly reduces heart disease and the risk of cancer.