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Join our Italian cooking classes in the Blue Mtns

Writer's picture: Silvana FranzeSilvana Franze

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

If you are looking for something to do beyond your own house, and long for interacting with people again, our Italian cooking classes are a great way to lift your spirit, and fill your tummy at the same time!! We have had a surge in enquiries about our classes, indicating people are hungry for this type of activity (excuse the pun).

And it's exciting to have a goal, in my case transforming the backyard from grass to edible ground covers and loads of herbs. Picture this – running your hands over a large area of aromatic oregano or rosemary, a bit like the scene from Gladiator :) If I never have to cut the grass again, it will not be too has a large backyard that was once maintained by my trusty Father, now in my hands to see it does not become a waste land of grass and weeds. I don't mind this kind of physical work, as it saves me having to go to the gym which I've never liked doing. Plus I get loads of Vit.D and get to soak up the beauty of the Blue Mountains in all its tranquility no matter what the weather is like, right from my own backyard. Yep, we've been known to work in the rain!

And it's exciting to have a goal, in my case transforming the backyard from grass to edible ground covers and loads of herbs. Picture this – running your hands over a large area of aromatic oregano or rosemary, a bit like the scene from Gladiator :) If I never have to cut the grass again, it will not be too soon.

I'm also fortunate to have a mother who never lets a family occasion go unnoticed. All birthdays will have us sitting around her large dining table, laded with dishes that we share over the course of a few hours. The Italian long lunch really does wonders for your state of mind.

It does not matter how old we turn, the event is always acknowledged. Of course, it's not really about the birthday as such. But it is about getting together as a family. Staying connected and talking face to face, which can be taken for granted. Sometimes I wonder if, just like I have trouble writing legibly these days from lack of practice, will we forget how to speak considering so much of our communication is digital!

These gatherings based around food are also a beautiful way of passing family traditions and our culture to the younger generations. They love hearing stories of their parents' and grandparents' younger days, as hard as that can be to imagine :) But we were all young and care free once, and reliving these days is good for everyone, especially when we are cracking up with laughter! I tell you, some stories could be mistaken for scenes out of West Side Story ...

Perhaps that is why our classes are popular – giving others a space to share stories and time together with like minded people in a face to face environment. It is rewarding for us to see especially when those who attend come on their own or with one other person, joining others in a class. In no time, they are happily chatting and working as one group. On occasion, contact details are exchanged and we even get a few hugs now and then! Who doesn't love a Nonna's warm hug? One of these days, I'm hoping to be invited to a wedding where they tell me they first met at one of our classes.

So if this sounds like an experience you would like either for yourself or a loved one, send us your contact details, tell us which class(es) you would like to join and a few dates. We will coordinate and get back to you. You can also buy someone a Gift Voucher and let them book with us. Of course, you may book a private class of your own, with a minimum of two people. All classes are small in number normally a total of six. Take a look at our website under the Classes tab where you will find reviews, photos, videos and more.

Till we meet around our dining table, keep smiling and know that all is good.

Photos: Wall print of my grandparents' pergola in Celia, Calabria Italy, with typical table setting at our class lunches and events; Movie still from Gladiator in 2000; Movie still from West Side Story in 2021; my beautiful mother and I at our pasta and sauce making classes.

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